  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Parameters for the internal build function, which creates new UCAN tokens.


  • BuildParams



addNonce?: boolean

Reserved for future use.

audience: string

DID string containing the public key of the recipient (who the token is "for")

capabilities: Capability[]

Capabilities granted by the token

expiration?: number

Expiration time (as unix timestamp). If set, overrides lifetimeInSeconds

facts?: Fact[]

Optional collection of arbitrary "facts" attached to the token.

issuer: KeyPair

Signing key for the token issuer (who the token is "from")

lifetimeInSeconds?: number

How long the token should be valid (in seconds). Ignored if expiration is set explicitly.

notBefore?: number

Earliest time (as unix timestamp) that the token should be considered valid. If set, must be < expiration. If not set, any time before expiration will be considered valid.

proofs?: string[]

Array of "proofs" (encoded UCAN tokens) used to validate delegated UCAN chains.

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